Tuesday, May 10, 2011

That had to hurt.

So I went to visit my chickens this evening, gathering the eggs as I do sometimes daily.  Imagine my suprise when I found this:


One of these things is not like the others...well, it is like the others but also not like the others.  It will be as delicious as the others.  And it is an egg.  Sort of.  It is actually a double-yolk egg and I actually eyeballed my girls to see if any of them were bleeding.  That's how big this dang egg is.  For comparison, I give you the following:

Two eggs. One two. 

Next to a blow pop.  Strictly for comparison. My chickens don't lay lollipops.  Yet.
This is my favorite. 

It's like me among all of you.  The air is generally clearer up here.

Now it dies. A delicious scrambled death.

It is about to be dead.

Egg twins.  Delicious.

Do Ray Me Fa

1 comment:

  1. You will get bigger ones..we've had them with three and even four yolks. At least when humans have twins they get to come out one at a time!
