Thursday, August 4, 2011

Pretending to be Justin Bieber.

 Don't lie.  You know you want to.

I know it's been a while since I posted last.  I've been busy getting ready for my daughter's first birthday (where did the year go??!!??), preparing to host a baby shower for a good friend and just generally sweating in the Georgia summer heat.  To spice things up, though, sometimes I decide to do silly things.  I do these thinngs mostly because they make me laugh and I hope they will bring smiles to my intended victims.  Let me explain what I've done recently.

As some of you know, a post or two ago I tried to entice people with a giveaway.  You winners already know who you are so I am not afraid of spoiling the prize.  The little prizes I found were too good not to share with some close friends, so I took it upon myself to share them.  What are these little gifts?  If you were not a lucky recipient, then I will share with you.  I bought a pack of JUSTIN BIEBER collectable stickers.  Yes, you read that right.  The Bieb.  When I saw these stickers I laughed out loud, probably as much at the hilarity of the poses that the Bieb undertook as the fact that I knew that when I was a tween, I would have immediately purchased every pack of stickers if they were for Elijah Wood or Jonathan Brandis or Brad Renfro.  Or Billy Corgan.  I know.  I can't explain the Billy Corgan obsession that I still have today. I've accepted it.  As has my husband, to some extent.  At least he loves the Smashing Pumpkins more than me, so he says.

Anyway, I decided to make use of these stickers in the best way I could imagine.  For the first, I stuck a sticker of the nubile and swooning Biebs to a plain piece of printer paper, addressed it to my husband at his office and in his lawyerly capacity, and I signed it "Love Justin Bieber."  Then I mailed it.  I waited anxiously to hear from him, as I knew I would.  I was not disappointed.  The very day after I mailed the letter he called me and said, "So, did you mail me a letter from Justin Bieber?"  I was going to pretend it wasn't me but I couldn't contain my laughter and my joke was exposed.  My next thought was to share the Bieber love with some of my friends.  At work, of course.  The two letters you see here are the letters I wrote.  Enjoy.  The names have been deleted to protect the innocent.

So there you go.  That is what I do with my spare time.  Needless to say, I waited anxiously to hear from my victims friends, but days passed with nothing. NOTHING.  I didn't know what happened? Did they not get the letters? Did a secretary think they were not funny and trash them? Did my friends know it was me and were they making me sweat?

The answer, I believe, is the latter.  Somehow, I was figured out but they wanted to keep me in the dark.  You see, the one letter has a footnote and the other letter does not.  The sans footnote victim ALWAYS footnotes his Christmas card so I intentionally footnoted the other letter so its recipient would assume it was the other.  My plan worked and initially, I was not blamed. But then, according to the footnote fiend, my stamp gave me away.  Darn the postmaster. But still my friends did not approach me about it, or even make mention of receipt of their letters.  What was wrong??

Turns out, I was to be a victim myself.  I received a letter and will post it in my next installment.

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