Monday, March 28, 2011

Our first date.

This will be a short post.  It is a short story.

Our first date was Arby's. As in the Arby's of liquid roast beef legends.  Eugene would disagree and say it was Terminator 3 (my choice and I laughed my way through).  I say it was Arby's because the first time Eugene and I went out after we spoke on the phone was to Arby's. It just so happened that I called Eugene and asked him if he wanted to get some food and I went to his house to pick him up. (I let him pick me up for our Terminator 3 date.)  He said he was hungry and just saw an Arby's commercial so he wanted to go there.  I was a little taken aback, assuming that this was a date, but I agreed.  I only found out later that he didn't think this was a "date." 

We get to Arby's and the woman behind the counter states, and I quote, "Ooooh.  You brought your girlfriend to Arby's? (insert my blushing face at being called Eugene's girlfriend). "You should have brought her someplace classy..."

Now, take a moment and envision what "classy" places could mean.  Could it mean an intimate Italian bistro, perhaps? Maybe a nice steakhouse? Or something French?  I would agree that any of the aforementioned could indeed be "classy" and would have been places I would have been proud to accompany Eugene, goateed and all.  Ms. Arby's surpised me, though, with her recommendation.

"...someplace classy like Applebee's."  Really? Applebee's?

1 comment:

  1. All of this brings me back to when we first moved in together! I remember how excited you were about "this guy" you met in your summer class. ~Marta :)
