Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The time I got a weave.

No, the blog title was not a typo.  I did, in fact, get a weave.

Ten thousand years ago, when our relationship was young and new, I wanted to do something special for Eugene.

As previously blogged, Eugene once had a goatee.  It was not pretty.  After a few months of dating, I had sort of verbalized my thoughts on said goatee and for Halloween 2003, Eugene shaved the goatee.  He also shaved his head for me (I do have a thing for bald guys, also as previously blogged).  Eugene went as Billy Corgan for Halloween.  That was pretty.  And I digress...

Since Eugene took the initiative to shave his goatee and head just to make me happy, I decided a few months later to see what I could do with my hair to suprise him.

At the time of this story, I had short hair.  Not boy short, but a short bob.  Eugene had told me that he really liked long hair.  I knew I could grow my hair out but that would take time.  In addition to being a little eccentric, I am also impatient.  I decided that waiting for my hair to grow just wouldn't cut it.  No pun intended.  I decided to get extensions.

I knew there had to be a beauty school somewhere nearby.  To my delight, my transexual friend (not a typo) knew where the local beauty school was located and said I could get a great deal on whatever beauty work I wanted.  I called the school and asked if they did extensions. I was told they could do a weave.  Is there a difference, I wondered?  Yes.  Extensions are typically glued, while a weave is sewn.  Apparently, I would be the first white girl to get a weave in this beauty school.  I really wanted to show Eugene how I looked with long hair, so I agreed to a weave.  Could it really be that different from extensions?  Yes.  Yes it could.

First, my transexual friend informed me that I had to go buy hair.  We went to a beauty store and looked at the hundreds of hair packets.  Based on my transexual friend's recommendations, I decided on a human hair packet.  Notice I said "packet" and not "packets."  I didn't know how much hair was needed for a weave, but I would learn that it was a lot more than one packet.

I got to the beauty school and sat down for what would be about 4 hours of weaving.  Since I only had one packet of hair, the weavist or stylist or whatever said she could only sew about 4 rows.  Again, I had no idea what that meant, so I said "Sure!" I was getting my long hair!  So I thought.

My hair was braided in very tight coils around the crown of my skull.  Then the packet of hair was sewn into the braids.  Mind you, as excited as I was, I was kept from the mirror until the weaving was wove.  Upon turning around to face myself, I could barely contain my laughter.  I looked ridiculous.  After four hours, though, I just wanted to stand and stretch.  And leave.  I paid my $40 and walked into the evening air, laughing all the way to the car.  I couldn't wait to show Eugene.

This is what I got for $40, one packet of hair an 4 hours of time.


And a side shot...

At least the color was close.

Needless to say, Eugene thought I was insane.  My gift ideas are often a little insane.  One time I made a stuffed elephant out of panty hose socks.

I cut the weave out the next day and yet to get another...yet...

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